Juniper Publishers| Robotics Engineering

A Comparison of Dual-Kinect and Vicon Tracking of Human Motion for Use in Robotic Motion Programming

Authored by Singhose W

Motion capture systems can acquire human body motion for use in programming robotic applications that mimic human motion. Activities such as traffic control and aircraft marshalling could be automated using robots that replicate realistic human motions. In order to develop such robotic systems, natural human motion must be studied and parameterized. Microsoft Kinect V2 is a non-invasive, low-cost camera primarily used in the video gaming industry which can be used for human motion analysis. This study evaluates the joint-tracking abilities of a dual-Kinect system and compares it to a Vicon 3D Motion Capture system. The dual-Kinect system provides robust and accurate tracking of complex upper-body motions.


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