Juniper Publishers| Robotics Engineering

Model Based Control of Resonating Processes

Authored by Prabirkumar Saha,
A resonating process is a special class of system which displays oscillatory dynamics around the operating point. Various engineering systems fall under this category. Very common examples of resonating systems are power electronic devices, mechanical spring-mass-damping systems, electromechanical systems and chemical reactors. In general, the electrical and/or mechanical systems are either linear or mildly nonlinear, whereas the chemical reactors are highly nonlinear in nature. Modeling and/or control of resonating systems needs a special theoretical background, especially Model Based Control (hereafter abbreviated as MBC) happens to be the main target. Although the traditional PI or PID controller is very popular and well-established control algorithm, its design procedure is not very clear for resonating systems and hence MBC of resonating systems is a prominent issue in control engineering literature.

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