Short Review of Network Based Humanoid Robot Platform- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Journal of Robotics


In this paper, network based humanoid robot platform is shortly reviewed. This type of humanoid robot uses network resources through network connections. And it can offer high-quality intelligent services to human beings without limitations in terms of system resources. Furthermore, the application areas can be very wide because it can use unlimited physical resources through the network.
Index Terms : Network based humanoid robot


A humanoid is a robot able to complete movements and guarantee performance similar to those of a human being [1]. In the humanoid robotics area, one of the most challenging goals is to give intelligence to a humanoid to enable it to function intelligently, because a humanoid can communicate with human beings intuitively.
Many researchers have tried to create a humanoid that is more intelligent and serviceable. Until now, however, most researches have been focused on the development of a stable biped walking type of humanoid. A study using various approaches to improve the biped walking ability and intelligence of humanoid robots has been reported. Several humanoid robot platforms have been developed that considered their mechanical design and software architecture. WABIAN [2], ASIMO [3], QRIO [4], HUBO [5], MAHRU [6,7] and HRP [8] are some of the more well-known humanoids. They are shown in Figure 1a-1f, respectively.
With the development of humanoid technology, the complexity of the humanoid robot system has increased dramatically. Aside from an increased variety of mechanical parts, the architecture of the
humanoid software has gained crucial relevance.
Different from a normal robot system, humanoids have a large set of basic behaviors and can perform various tasks. Thus, to make a humanoid more intelligent and serviceable, the humanoid must integrate various intelligent software programs into a single humanoid system. However, a powerful intelligent software for the intelligence function entails a very complex and time-consuming task. Moreover, the humanoid must concurrently run much more intelligent software such as for face recognition and voice recognition. As the intelligent software becomes more and more complicated and needs more system resources, the inner space of a humanoid becomes too narrow to load enough processing units into it. Also, the power source and weight limitation of a humanoid make it difficult to load enough system resources into it to make the humanoid highly intelligent. Thus, the integration of an intelligent software into the humanoid becomes more and more challenging. In the traditional robot software design, monolithic programming is used. With monolithic programming, however, it is difficult to realize the reusability of robot software. Also, a high-performance intelligent software is difficult to integrate in a robot system because of its complexity and hardware limitations. The modern robot software uses multiple functional components such as a face recognition component, a navigation component, and a voice recognition component. Thus, the main purpose of the architecture of a robot software is to provide a flexible and reliable communication mechanism for data exchange between the components. For today's robot applications, middleware systems are mostly used to accomplish this task [9,10].


This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (No. 2017R1D1A1B03031467).

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