Nature - Inspired Robotics- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Robotics


As a member of research and education fraternity, I Feel privileged and honored to get an opportunity to write an editorial opinion article for the prestigious journal of Robotics & Automation Engineering Journal (RAEJ). I further take liberty to thank all the contributors of this journal i.e. author’s, reviewer’s, for their contribution in promoting the journal.
We all know that creations of nature are unique and the mechanism and phenomenon occurring in nature have various unique characteristics which humans are not able to mimic till date. Robots simplify the human tasks and make it possible to perform various tasks which poses threat or are performed in an environment which is not safe for humans to work. Nature inspired robotics is a relatively emerging field of robotics in which concepts or working principles are inspired from the nature to make the robotics task simpler or easier. Biological systems or natural systems evolve or adapt according to their habitat, for example the aquatic animals have webbed feet which enables them to swim better. Similarly, some fishes have slimy gel type layer covering their body which give assort of water repelling effect. A floating or swimming robot may be designed on the basis of above principles which may result in waterproof robot with swimming capabilities. Numerous research activities are already being carried out to make bio inspired robots. The scope of nature inspired robots is immeasurable. The modern-day drones can improve the aerodynamics from the birds, butterflies or even insects like grasshoppers. A stair case climbing octobot robot can get inspired from a spider or an octopus. If a robot is able to adjust or adapt itself through any landscape, over any terrain the prospects become limitless.

Some Future Applications of Nature Inspired Robotics not Limited to are as Follows

Automation control inspired from ants, autonomous robots inspired from creeping plants, forward kinematics inspired from reptiles like snakes, household robots inspired from human beings, nanotechnology based nanobots inspired from microorganisms, robot controllers inspired from human joints, robot structures and workspace form various animals and their habitats, robotic surgery inspired from insects, robotic welding from humans, robots society and ethic inspired from school of fishes, swarm of ants etc. robotic exploration and unmanned (Robotic) vehicles inspired from navigating migratory birds. The future scope of nature inspired robotics is very vast and boundless. At present the depth of research scopes is unexplored and poses challenges as well as opportunities in form of nature inspired solutions for young researchers Journal of Nanoscience & Technology solicits Research Papers, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Mini-Reviews, Opinions, Letter to Editors, etc. in this field which will be enlightening the scientific community.
The International Journal of Robotics & Automation Engineering Journal (RAEJ) is an open access journal it provides free access to the readers and research scholars from all over the world. Readers from all over the world can extract the information regarding Robotics & Automation Engineering Journal (RAEJ) from the articles published in journal. Readers can also use the articles published in journal as a base of their research. All articles published in journal are available free of cost on the journal’s website in archives section without any restrictions and subscription to the research scholars worldwide.
The International Journal of Robotics & Automation Engineering Journal (RAEJ) provide high quality articles based on the various aspects of the of robotics & automation Engineering. The articles published in the journal are highly informative and accurate. Articles are thoroughly reviewed and checked for quality before being published and only the articles which confirm the quality standard of the journal are published in the journal.
The journal provides an open platform for dissemination of works and research of various scientists and researchers in the domain of advanced research in Robotics and related fields
The journal publishes complete and reliable source of information submitted by some of the best authors. Robotics & Automation Engineering journal ensures that all published article gains maximum visibility and impact. The Journal solicits from scholars, engineers, academicians, scientists, industrial professionals and researchers from all over the world to submit their unpublished original work for prospective publication in next issue. Please contribute articles to this journal in a timely manner, to ensure it get published timely and becomes part of this important forum for the exchange of ideas and knowledge. If you have any questions or comments about the Journal please contact the Editor board at robotics@, or The Journal is available online, please visit the following website: https://juniperpublishers. com/raej/


I have based this paper on the materials collected from several courses I’ve attended. Some of this information is also featured in various tutorials available online. In addition, I have also consulted several web pages while writing this article. I would also like to thank Mr. Amit Saxena and Ms. Deepti Shinghal for their valuable support, without their help this article would have been impossible to complete.

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