
Showing posts from December, 2019

Juniper Publishers: Solvent Fractionation of Lignin from Sugarcane Bag...

Juniper Publishers: Solvent Fractionation of Lignin from Sugarcane Bag... : Juniper Online Journal Material Science The objective of this work was to examine lignin fractionation from sugarcane bagasse using th...

Juniper Publishers: Periodontitis in a Group of Patients with Cardiova...

Juniper Publishers: Periodontitis in a Group of Patients with Cardiova... : Anatomy Physiology & Biochemistry International Journal The association between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease is ...

Ethical Considerations on Brain-Machine Interface- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Robotics Introduction The wireless implants, so-called “Neural Dust’’ have the potential capabilities to spark the neurons in central nervous system or peripheral nervous system [1]. Such potentials can be utilized in various areas that could benefit from such technologies e.g., medical field, to hasten the progress and new future treatments developments for many diseases and disorders such as depression, dementia etc. [2]. Thus, neural dust triggered further researches to expand and increase the potential usage for these technologies in order to utilize them in brain-machine interface which will enable humans in controlling prosthetic limbs or exoskeleton to enhance normal human capabilities. Such applications of technologies provoked ethical considerations because of its violations ethical principles in medicine and other areas and because of the possibilities of usage in mischievous way as in “mind control”, since neural dus

Juniper Publishers PubMed Indexed Articles

 Juniper Publishers PubMed Indexed Articles   Juniper Publishers PubMed Indexed Articles Article Title :    Inter-scan Reproducibility of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Derived Myocardial Perfusion Reserve Index in Women with no Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease. Author Information :   Louise EJ Thomson and C Noel Bairey Merz1* PubMed ID :   PMID:  30976755 PubMed URL : Journal Name :   Journal of Clinical and Medical Imaging ISSN:   2573-2609 Full Article Link : Article Title :    What is the Role of Race and Ethnicity in the Development Of Thionamide-Induced Neutropenia? Author Information :   Mark R Burge1* PubMed ID :  PMID:  30828700 PubMed URL : Journal Name :  Journal of Endocrinology and Thyroid Research ISSN:   2573-2188 Full Article Link :   https://juniperpublishers.c

Juniper Publishers Indexing Sites List

Juniper Publishers Indexing Sites List Index Copernicus : All journals may be registered in the ICI World of Journals database. The database gathers information on international scientific journals which is divided into sections: general information, contents of individual issues, detailed bibliography (references) for every publication, as well as full texts of publications in the form of attached files (optional). Within the ICI World of Journals database, each editorial office may access, free of charge, the IT system which allows you to manage your journal's passport: updating journal’s information, presenting main fields of activity and sharing the publications with almost 200 thousand users from all over the world. The idea behind the ICI World of Journals database is to create a place where scientific journals from all over the world would undergo verification for ‘predatory journals’ practices by scientific community. The ICI World of Journals database allow