
Showing posts from September, 2019

Juniper Publishers: Technological Challenge of Agriculture in Climate ...

Juniper Publishers: Technological Challenge of Agriculture in Climate ... : AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY: OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL - JUNIPER PUBLISHERS Abstract Climate change has a strong impact on...

Juniper Publishers: Highland Agricultural Knowledge in Migrant Familie...

Juniper Publishers: Highland Agricultural Knowledge in Migrant Familie... :  Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal            Abstract Migrant families are key to observe the dynamic re...

Engineering Insight for Humanoid Robotics Emotions and Violence with Reference to “System Error 1378”- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Robotics Abstract What kinds of social relationships can people have with computers are there activities that computers can engage in that actively draw people into relationships with them. What are the potential benefits to the people who participate in these human-computer relationships? To address these questions researchers introduces a theory of Relational Agents, which are computational artifacts designed to build and maintain long-term, social-emotional relationships with their users. These can be purely software humanoid animated agents--as developed in this work but they can also be non-humanoid or embodied in various physical forms, from robots, to pets, to jewelry, clothing, hand-held’s, and other interactive devices. Central to the notion of relationship is that it is a persistent construct, spanning multiple interactions; thus, Relational Agents are explicitly designed to remember past history and manage future expectatio...

Juniper Publishers: Oocyte Quality and Female Infertilitye_Juniper Pub...

Juniper Publishers: Oocyte Quality and Female Infertilitye_Juniper Pub... : GLOBAL JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE - JUNIPER PUBLISHERS Authored by Chaube SK Abstract Female infertility is one...

Juniper Publishers: Managing Water Resources Using - Water Radioactive...

Juniper Publishers: Managing Water Resources Using - Water Radioactive... : Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal - Juniper Publishers Opinion Radioactive contamination, also called rad...

Juniper Publishers: The Butyrate-Producing Microbiome in Murine Models...

Juniper Publishers: The Butyrate-Producing Microbiome in Murine Models... : CURRENT RESEARCH IN DIABETES & OBESITY JOURNAL   JUNIPER PUBLISHERS Authored by Craig Beam Introduction Significant ...

Wireless Glove for Hand Gesture Acknowledgment: Sign Language to Discourse Change Framework in Territorial Dialect- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Robotics Abstract Generally deaf-dumb people use sign language for communication, but they find it difficult to communicate in a society where most of the people do not understand sign language. Due to which communications between deaf-mute and a normal person have always been a challenging task. The idea proposed in this paper is a digital wireless glove which can convert sign language to text and speech output. The glove is embedded with flex sensors and a 9DOF inertial measurement unit (IMU) to recognize the gesture. A 9-degree of freedom inertial measurement unit (IMU) and flex sensors are used to track the orientation of fingers and motion of hand in three dimensional spaces which senses the gestures of a person in the form of bend of fingers and tilt of the hand fist. This system was tried for its practicality in changing over gesture based communication and gives the continuous discourse yield in local dialect and additionally...

Juniper Publishers: Oocyte Quality and Female Infertilitye_Juniper Pub...

Juniper Publishers: Oocyte Quality and Female Infertilitye_Juniper Pub... : GLOBAL JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE - JUNIPER PUBLISHERS Authored by Chaube SK Abstract Female infertility is one...

Juniper Publishers: Managing Water Resources Using - Water Radioactive...

Juniper Publishers: Managing Water Resources Using - Water Radioactive... : Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal - Juniper Publishers Opinion Radioactive contamination, also called rad...

End User Live Programming Environment for Robotics- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Robotics Abstract Robots are more and more presents in our environment. Even if the manufacturers make robots enough intelligent to integrate every place by using SLAM for example, customers will need to specialize their robots to make them more familiar and more adapted to the need. For that, customers need to integrate new features that should be easily added to the robot. For now, the development of new features needs computer-programming knowledge. In this paper, we propose an approach to avoid the gap between customer and software robotics development. We define a EUD (End-User Development) environment based on the visual programming environment Scratch, which has already proven in children learning computer science. We explain the interests of the environment and show two examples based on the Lego Mindstorms and on the Robosoft Kompai robot. Keywords: End User; Live Programming; Robotics; Scratch; Mindstorms; Extensible la...

Juniper Publishers: Utility of Noninvasive Serum Biomarkers of Liver F...

Juniper Publishers: Utility of Noninvasive Serum Biomarkers of Liver F... : ADVANCED RESEARCH IN GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY JUNIPER PUBLISHERS Authored by Mostafa M Sira Abstract Background:...

Juniper Publishers: Oocyte Quality and Female Infertilitye

Juniper Publishers: Oocyte Quality and Female Infertilitye : Global journal of reproductive medicine-Juniper publishers  Authored by: Chaube SK* Abstract Female infertility is one of the maj...

Juniper Publishers: Is Telomere Shortening a Genetic Factor That Predi...

Juniper Publishers: Is Telomere Shortening a Genetic Factor That Predi... : CURRENT RESEARCH IN DIABETES & OBESITY JOURNAL JUNIPER PUBLISHERS Authored by Murillo Ortiz Blanca Abstract Telom...

Control Parameters in Differential Evolution (DE): A Short Review- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Robotics Abstract Differential Evolution (DE) is a population based stochastic search algorithm for optimization. DE has three main control parameters, Crossover (cr), Mutation factor (F) and Population size (NP). These control parameters play a vital and crucial rule in improving the performance of search process in DE. This paper introduces a brief review for control parameters in Differential evolution (DE). Keywords: Differential evolution; Population size; Global optimization; Control parameters Abbrevations: DE: Differential Evolution; Cr: Crossover; NP: Population Size; F: Mutation Factor Introduction Differential Evolution (DE) is a population-based heuristic algorithm proposed by Storn & Price [1] to solve global optimization problems with different characteristics over continuous space. Despite its simplicity, it proved a great performance in solving non-differentiable, non-continu...